レストランが担う役割、レストランというシステム・構造が変わったんだなぁとデンマークのnomaの映画「ノーマ東京 世界一のレストランが日本にやって来た」(原題:Ants on a Shrimp)を見ていて思いました。あるいは周縁が多義性をはらみ活性化の契機となる好例でもあり。
まとまったカタチとしてのnomaの映像としては世界のベストレストランで1位を取る前のBBCだったかによる映像、「ノーマ、世界を変える料理」(原題:Noma My Perfect Storm)に続いて今回で3回目。食べに行ったことが無いので偉そうなことは言えませんが。今回の映画はレネ・レゼピをリーダーとするチームnomaの映画と考えたほうがいいかと思います。
NORDIC FOOD DIPLOMACY(英文) http://www.nfd.nynordiskmad.org/index.php?id=507
1. To express the purity, freshness, simplicity and ethics we wish to associate with our region.
2. To reflect the changing of the seasons in the meals we make.
3. To base our cooking on ingredients and produce whose characteristics are particularly excellent in our climates, landscapes and waters.
4. To combine the demand for good taste with modern knowledge of health and well-being.
5. To promote Nordic products and the variety of Nordic producers – and to spread the word about their underlying cultures.
6. To promote animal welfare and a sound production process in our seas, on our farmland and in the wild.
7. To develop potentially new applications of traditional Nordic food products.
8. To combine the best in Nordic cookery and culinary traditions with impulses from abroad.
9. To combine local self-sufficiency with regional sharing of high-quality products.
10. To join forces with consumer representatives, other cooking craftsmen, agriculture, the fishing, food , retail and wholesale industries, researchers, teachers, politicians and authorities on this project for the benefit and advantage of everyone in the Nordic countries.